Global citizens yearning for peace,

Greetings, I am Man Hee Lee, the chairman of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL). This year, we had to wish for each other’s safety and peace amid the darkness cast over us by an unexpected pandemic. The fear of the virus completely overturned our lives and continues to blind us from the moments of hope at times.

Global citizens of peace,
Although the reality we face today may seem like a long pitch dark tunnel, there is no need to be afraid if we have the light called “hope.” Even if it is a thin lining, the light will outshine the darkness as a profound hope. That light of the world is you, as you work for peace by joining the efforts to build a peaceful world free of war to guarantee peace in the future. Your brave and sincere heart toward all mankind is breathing life into peace. Surely, the heart of all, who have worked hand in hand with HWPL for peace, will blossom into a flower called the culture of peace in different parts of the world.

Due to the rampant COVID-19, we could not gather to meet in person at the HWPL World Peace Summit this month. However, this can serve as an opportunity for us to reflect upon the year that has passed from where we stand through various means, and also encourage and comfort each other. Furthermore, for the upcoming year of 2021, we will be striving to lay out a plan to realize peace by discussing and examining what we can do. These steps we take for peace, which will forever go down in history as the lasting light, will continue until we reach our goal.

Respected members of the family for peace,
Thousands of HWPL members have been making a practical contribution to resolving the pandemic by having several rounds of donating blood plasma. Let us hope together for the swift development of treatment and vaccine against COVID-19 and wish together for the good health and safety of those who have been taking part in the endeavors for peace.

We have the answer to peace, and we are not alone, as we have the two wings of the International Peace Youth Group (IPYG) and the International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG) collaborating with us for our shared goal. Furthermore, when every individual of our worldwide coalition for peace become one, what we have been hoping for will become a reality.

Let us pass down a world of peace as a lasting legacy to the generations to come.
We are one!

Man Hee Lee
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL)