Alliance of Religions

Alliance of Religions
Main Initiatives


Jul 1st International Religious Peace Academy (1,388 attendees from 108 countries)
Sep HWPL International Religious Peace Academy’s Special Lecture


Nov HWPL World Interfaith Joint Prayer Conference:
Prayer Conference for Peace in Russia & Ukraine


Jun HWPL Intercontinental Religious Youth Peace Camp 2021


Dec HWPL End of year Religious Leaders’ Gathering


Sep Religious Peace Brought by the Spread of Scripture Comparative Confirmation Culture
Jul Operated WARP Office meeting with attendees of the Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom of the US Department of State
Apr Held the ‘Role of Religion for World Peace’ Religious Peace Forum in Romania


Sep Appointment of 7 members to the Solidarity of Religions’ Peace Committee
Efforts of senior religious leaders to spread a culture of peace among religious groups
Mar 1st HWPL Intercontinental WARP Office Meeting held
Opened the door to have discussions across nations and continents to welcome a broader range of participants
Jan Open Dialogue with Religious Leaders
A type of WARP office facilitating communication and discourse among Christians


Sep Consensus on Attributes of a Trustworthy Scripture announced
Laid the foundation for interfaith dialogue and proposed specific measures to achieve religious harmony
Apr 1st HWPL Religious Youth Peace Camp held (Cambodia)
Provided an opportunity for not only religious leaders but also members of the civil society to join the efforts to build harmony among religions


Oct 1st HWPL WARP Office Meeting held (Irvine, USA)
Established a platform for dialogue and comparison of scriptures to carry out what was promised in the World Alliance of Religions Agreement
Sep World Alliance of Religions Agreement signed
442 religious leaders representing 18 religions around the world pledged to create harmony among religions