Alliance of Religions
1. WARP Offices
The World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Offices are where religious leaders of various faiths and disciplines gather regularly to discuss their scriptures. The comparative scriptural discussions are a way for participants to foster deeper and more empathetic discussions and greater openness in thought-sharing on how to evoke religious harmony and collaboration. The main goal of the discussions and meetings is to find true peace amongst religions through finding trustworthiness in scriptures. As of March 2024, there are 285 WARP offices in operation in 131 countries. By participating, the religious leaders are grasping a clear idea of the duty they need to fulfill, finding specific ways to realize peace, and trying to prevent religious conflicts from taking place.
WARP offices are actively contributing to building a peaceful world by resolving disputes that derive from religious misunderstanding and promoting a more in-depth understanding of the standards, teachings, and the notion of peace in each religious text.
Current Status of WARP Office
Current Status of WARP Office

2. HWPL Religious Youth Peace Camp
HWPL’s Religious Youth Peace Camp is an initiative with the aim of fostering youth as key players in peacefully resolving conflicts and enhancing their capacity as such by providing an opportunity to have religious and cultural exchange among youth worldwide, including members of youth organizations. Those who take part in the camp experience different cultures and religions, and find ways that religious communities should function in order to establish peace on earth. As of March 2024, the peace camp has been held 61 rounds in 32 countries.
Through various programs, such as those on the history of the world’s religion, experiencing religions other than mine first-hand, and finding means to fundamentally address conflicts with religious causes, the participants are able to widen their perspective on religion.
3. Open Dialogue with Religious Leaders
The Open Dialogue with Religious Leaders has been held regularly for Christian denominations in Korea to promote communication and harmony. Through the dialogue, Christians, who carry the same scripture called the Bible, are able to recognize the differences in biblical interpretation of diverse denominations and better understand each other. Pastors representing different denominations take part as speakers and discuss a particular topic when the dialogue is held, so the audience can hear different interpretations of various denominations in one place. Since the open dialogue first started in January 2018, it has been held 1,443 times (as of March 2024), and Christian leaders in South Korea are actively engaging in the discussions.
4. International Religious Peace Academy (IRPA)
At the WARP Offices, panelists representing their respective faiths have directly experienced differences in religious beliefs and cultures and understand each other through open-mindedness and dialogue.
Subsequently there was a growing demand from religious leaders for new avenues to study more comprehensive comparative scriptural knowledge. Therefore a platform for comparative study of scriptures called the ‘International Religious Peace Academy (IRPA)’ was launched. The International Religious Peace Academy is an academic platform that invites prominent religious leaders and scholars to lecture on their scriptures and major doctrines.
Through this platform, many religious people can develop a clearer understanding and insight into religions. This helps to resolve conflicts between religions by creating a culture where religious leaders can learn about other religions.
Jul. 2023 1st IRPA 1,388 attendees from 108 countries
Mar. 2024 2nd IRPA 1,456 attendees from 96 countries
5. MOUs with Religious Organizations
Starting with the signing of the MOU with the Ethiopian Islamic Affairs Supreme Council in 2018, HWPL continued to sign MOUs with religious organizations such as Guru Gobind Singh Study Circle, Korean Buddhism Jogyejong Conference, and more at the 2019 HWPL World Peace Summit. HWPL plans to continue its collaboration and engagement with religious organizations in order to further spread the culture of religious peace in a concerted effort.