Clean and Safe ‘Songkran Festival’ in the UK, Created by IPYG Youth Volunteers


▲ Event organizers and volunteers shouting ‘We are one’ while smiling brightly


On April 14th, IPYG UK participated in the ‘Songkran Festival’ held at the Buddha Padipa Temple in London, alongside young volunteers, donning blue HWPL vests symbolizing peace, engaging in environmental cleanup activities.

The Buddha Padipa Temple, Europe’s first temple sponsored by the Thai royal family, hosts the annual ‘Songkran Festival’ to commemorate the Thai New Year, gathering not only Thai immigrants but also many local residents to celebrate as one.

However, after the festival, the temple often faced the problem of litter left by many visitors, causing concern among temple officials about environmental cleanliness. Yet, with the assistance of IPYG volunteers at this event, this issue could be solved.


▲ Volunteers assisting citizens around the trash cans to properly dispose of garbage


From early morning, IPYG volunteers gathered at the venue, cleaning the area, and guiding attendees throughout the event to dispose of trash properly, ensuring the festival proceeded in a pleasant environment.

On this day, temple officials and event attendees expressed gratitude to IPYG for their volunteer efforts on behalf of the temple and the Thai community.

Mohammed Usman, a member of the Youth Empowerment Peace Workshop (YEPW) UK and a volunteer at the Songkran Festival, expressed appreciation, saying, “I am grateful to have participated in such a meaningful volunteer activity with IPYG. Experiencing Thai culture was also wonderful, and everyone was kind and friendly.”

IPYG, a youth organization under HWPL, organizes working groups like YEPW to serve as focal points for youth in local communities, actively discussing various topics of international importance such as peace, security, and development, and voicing the concerns of youth for peace.


▲ Volunteers cleaning up while walking around the event venue