Eco Project in Pattani Province, Thailand


From July 5-7, a festival was held at Wasukri Beach in Saiburi City, Pattani Province in Thailand. Hosted by the Pattani Province Ministry of Tourism and Sports, the festival was attended by the Pattani Province governor and the Minister of Tourism and Sports, as well as the mayor of Saiburi City. The festival was a place for cultural exchange, providing an opportunity to taste halal food and enjoy Islamic culture in Thailand, where 93.2% of the population is Buddhist. HWPL was asked to collaborate by the Pattani Province Ministry of Tourism and Sports and shared the ‘Eco Project’ on during the festival.

In order to improve the image of southern Thailand, which has been relatively under-represented among tourists compared to other regions in Thailand (Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya, etc.), and to revitalize tourism, HWPL planned the ‘Eco Project’ in September 2023. In December 2023, a southern Thailand ‘Eco Project’ briefing session was held at the Southern Border Provinces Administrative Center (SBPAC) and the Pattani Provincial Hall. In April 2024, the Ministry of Tourism and Sports in Pattani Province requested the Eco Project from HWPL, and the first step toward launching the project was taken in July 2024 at the Wasukri Beach Festival.



A total of 500 people attended the festival, including the mayor of Saiburi City, the director of the Civil Society Council (CSO), and the Central Islamic Council in Thailand. Local volunteer organizations, community representatives and students also participated. The main activity was a volunteer cleanup, which brought together the hearts of people from various religions, races, and cultures in the region. Through their efforts, Wasukri Beach was transformed into a clean beach.

“This event served as a good opportunity for the attending citizens to recognize the importance of nurturing and maintaining their community. We are grateful for your interests about our area. We will continue to work together with HWPL in the future,” Mr. Waeromlee Waebulat, the director of the Civil Society Council (CSO) said.

Following the event, HWPL plans to continue promoting a culture of peace by conducting eco projects, organizing peace walks and introducing peace education, not only in the Pattani Province but also in Yala and Narathiwat Provinces in southern Thailand.