Mangrove Tree Planting—Tree Banking Series 4: A Milestone in Environmental Conservation



On March 9th this year, ‘Mangrove Tree Planting—Tree Banking Series 4: A Milestone in Environmental Conservation’ began in a mangrove tree nursery in Mangungan Bagua 2, Cotabato City, Philippines.

Led by the International Peace Youth Group’s (IPYG) Youth Engagement & Peacebuilding Working Group (YEPW) in Mindanao, this event was prepared in collaboration with youth and environmental organizations such as the Kutawato Greenland Initiative (KGI), the Gallant Adolescent New Generation (GANG), the Association of Daring and Hospitable Individuals of Kutawato for the Poverty-Affected Sector of Society (ADIKHA), and the Community Development Students’ Organization (CDSO) to preserve the mangrove ecosystem in Cotabato City.

Participants transplanted 1,000 mangrove propagules into pots under the subtitle “Mangrove Tree Planting—Tree Banking Series 4: A Milestone in Environmental Conservation.” Although planting 1,000 trees was not easy, it was a necessary measure to increase the number of mangrove trees and aid forest growth, so the YEPW members were dedicated to the task. In addition to planting trees, the participating organizations also discussed establishing a “Sustainable Tree Bank” for ongoing environmental protection activities.



The Kutawato Greenland Initiative (KGI), which suggested the event, expressed gratitude to the YEPW in Mindanao and the HWPL Philippines branch for their consistent and active participation in volunteer work in the Philippines and requested their continuous cooperation in strengthening activities for local conservation and climate change response efforts.

The members of IPYG YEPW in Mindanao have been the center of local activities, participating in protecting nature and cultivating a culture of peace. They plan to continue doing peace activities in various fields for the development of their local communities.